Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Week 5: "Digital Nation" and "Growing Up Online"

Documentaries Viewed and Discussed:

Compare and Contrast:

Let’s begin with some of obvious comparisons of these two films.  First off, both documentaries are focused on one aspect of almost everyone’s life: technology.  Rachel Dretzin, producer of both films, continues her journey from 2008 to 2010 to try and answer some of today’s most difficult questions: how does technology play a role in our youth and how will it play a role in the long run? Are technology and the internet a way to isolate ourselves from the world or bring us together? If so, how do we promote safe and efficient ways to use these tools and resources?  These are some of the main points that both documentaries explore and question.
Now for the main difference among these two movies: Growing Up Online, filmed in 2008, had a central focus on teens and how technology may be affecting them.  Digital Nation, though only filmed two years later in 2010, had a shift on that focus when it opened up by stating that everyone is consumed by technology now.  It is not just a question about how technology is affecting our youth but about how it is affecting our mothers, fathers, grandparents and even toddlers too young to talk.  

Thoughts on Multitasking:

If I were asked the question of whether I believe I could multitask 5 years ago, I would of told you that I am a master at it.  However, as I have grown older and gained more responsibility I can ensure you that I am indeed NOT a multitasker.   For instance, I am not fond of online classes.  This may seem odd for someone who is going to school for a degree in technology education, but the distractions and lack of a “real” teacher do not allow me to get fully absorbed in the material.  It just does not seem organized to me.   This is why I fully agree with Dretzin when she comes to the realization after viewing results of a scientific study in Digital Nation, that it turns out all multitaskers are terrible at all aspects of multitasking.  Even though we like to believe we are great at it, science proves us wrong and it is another example of humans taking their intellectual abilities too far.  The pressure is on though for our youth to stay connected through text, Facebook, email and various other networks. How are going to ensure that they are using technology in a creative manner and not as a distraction?

Technology Addiction:

The question of addiction and technology,from my perspective, is that in order to prevent a problem, we must first look at why it is happening.  Incorrect usage of technology and addiction is the result of improper education on how to use it.  Also let’s look at who is monitoring the individual that may be having a problem?  Just like with any other addiction, they do not happen overnight.  A child or adult did not become addicted to a video game or the internet overnight.  It happened overtime and when it began to interfere with their life (homework, work, family, love life, etc.) then it becomes an addiction and problem from an outside perspective.  We need to embrace technology as a new way of living in order to get away from the cliche that it is ruining society.  Should we be concerned? Well, of course we will always have “problems” but we need to learn how to better prevent these problems.  It was amazing to see this already being done in South Korea. In Digital Nation we see first graders from South Korea learning about netiquette, or internet manners. Some may see their measures as extreme but it is necessary if we want to adapt to the needs of the 21 century learner.  We must instill that technology is a tool, not a friend.

Video Games in Education:

Some children love reading, some children love to paint, some children are athletes and some children enjoy playing video games.  This is not “new” news.  Of course, many children enjoy playing the gory, first-hand shooter games more than the puzzle or educational games, but they are video games none the less.  My question as an educator is how can I excite, motivate and engage the students who have a love for video games?  Just as I try to engage my bookworms, artists, and jocks, I must try to engage my video game players.  Well, I am fortunate to have an excellent technology teacher at my school.  We collaborate and share all the time.  Last summer I took a course at MIT in Scratch and StarLogo TNG with her.  (These are two computer programming tools for those that are unfamiliar.)  I learned the power of coding and how to bring digital programming into my curriculum.  Just this year I had a few students create a replica of an ancient Egyptian civilization using StarLogo.  A few chose to use Minecraft.  They loved the idea of this and the results left me speechless.  To put it in simple terms: I do not believe that videogames are a waste of time, unless they are consuming your time.  It all comes down to moderation.

Screenshot of StarLogo Programming Software

The Power of Digital Tools:

The amount of digital tools available for educators and schools is infinite.  Schools now have the ability to relay information to parents at the click of the mouse or notify a student of an assignment before they even get off the bus.  However, many schools and educators do not know how to properly use these tools and just what exactly is available to them.  That is why it is up to future teachers to start searching and sharing their experiences and ideas.  Do I think being able to take a virtual field trip to King Khufu’s Great Pyramid will make or break a struggling school? No. But it will allow a child who has never and perhaps will never visit Egypt, a chance to visit virtually.  The student will gain a better understanding and appreciation of the material being taught.

Teaching Digital Responsibility and Parents:

I personally believe that parents today have a better idea on what their children may be doing online.  When I was growing up, the internet was growing with me.  It was my “friend” and my parents were just getting introduced to my “friend”.  Today’s parents know this “friend” better.  They are more aware of the dangers and the risks associated with this “friend”.  Of course their are some parents who are still in the dark but from what I have seen from most of my middle school parents is that they do try to stay connected and involved in their child’s “digital” world.  As for who is responsible to teach the children about proper usage, I believe it is a skill that begins at home but is also reinforced in schools.  We teach our children manners (well, most of us) and expect that they go to school to be taught the same manners.  Same goes for proper use of technology and the internet.  When I went to school I was taught how to write a proper business and friendly letter.  Times have changed.  Now, instead of a business letter I should be teaching my students how to write a professional email.  Instead of teaching my students how to look a word up in the dictionary, I should be teaching them how to look up a reliable source on the internet.

Ruining Digital Footprints:

Of course many kids and adults are ruining their lives without knowing.  Look at all controversies that have started with Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Instagram, etc.  Many of these people were just naive though. They were uneducated on how their choices online would affect them in reality.  Again, it comes down to being properly educated about the risks of being careless with their digital footprints.  Can you imagine reading a note five years later you may have wrote to one of your friends in middle school about a teacher you hate?  I can’t but today’s youth can.

"Stranger Danger" and Today's Technology Scare:

I am quite surprised when I talk to my students about online "stranger danger". Children today know much more than we give them credit for. Just as I was told never to take candy or a ride from a stranger in grade school, these children are being told never to give out personal information online. It is still odd to think that their are unstable people out there prowling the internet for naive, young children but it is reassuring to see that most children know what to avoid. I think a major portion of this problem stemmed from online chat rooms which is an aspect of the internet world rarely explored by today's youth.


Digital Nation
Growing Up Online
Netiquette image
Growing Up Online Image
Digital Nation Image
Scratch Image
StarLogo Image

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