Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Week Three: Literature Review

Literature Review: Supporting Technology Integration in the Classroom

Course Objectives Met Through This Review:
•   #1 - Demonstrate the understanding of how technologies can effectively promote student learning.
•   #2 - Evaluate and use a variety of current technologies to enhance content instruction and to advance students' technological literacy.
•   #5 - Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of safe, ethical, legal and moral practices related to digital information and technology.
•   #7 - Demonstrate an understanding of the use of adaptive technologies and other digital resources to personalize and differentiate learning activities for every student.
•   # 8 - Evaluate, adapt and reflect upon emerging tools and trends by participating in local and global learning communities and by reviewing current research and professional literature.

To spend a day in the classroom of Rabbi Wex, at Hillell Community Day School, would be a first-hand opportunity to see technology and collaborative networking being used productively by 21st-century learners.  

At first, many educators may be shocked when they take a step through the door and into the Rabbi Wex's technologically savvy classroom.  They will witness students immersed in their laptops, tablets and iPads during his lesson, all communicating and collaborating through Edmodo, Google Docs, and discussion boards.   Rabbi Wex will be walking around the classroom, refocusing, monitoring and acting as facilitator of his lesson, not a lecturer to his students.  Nor will he be sitting behind his desk on a laptop of his own, instead acting as a tool to help students access the information they need.
Rabbi Wex admits at first that his students were not experts with the technology he presented them, but they wanted to learn for themselves and became independent thinkers/learners while doing so.  His students would even prefer to go to a peer versus the teacher when faced with a problem or issue that they just cannot seem to comprehend.  As an educator isn't this what we want our students to do? Learn the skills needed to become an efficient and productive member of society of the 21st century.    Students in Rabbi Wex's classroom problem-solve together, analyze together, and collaborate together.  “They summarize their learning and respond to other students’ postings.  The discussion broadens the learning by increasing student participation and takes it to a high level by allowing students to discuss and share...” (Penchev 1) They show their understanding by demonstrating their knowledge of the concept at hand on a Prezi, which is a more modernized PowerPoint that allows user access anywhere, as long as there is internet available. 

  This article hits close to home for me.  Recently, I worked with the technology teacher at my school to set up Gmail accounts for each of my homeroom students.  I wanted to practice using Google Docs together and prepare them for what to expect from their future teachers/professors.  Every single one of my students was eager to get connected and dive right in to this skill of using Google Drive.  We talked about appropriate behavior and my expectations for using their Gmail accounts.  Currently, in my class, I send about one document a week out to my students.  It is not mandatory that they respond, but highly encouraged.  My goal is that for next year, my incoming students will have already set up a Gmail account.  This way we can begin the process of discussions online and via Google Docs.

 In conclusion, after reading this article, I found myself even more motivated and eager to continue using a network in my classroom.  Though I have used Edmodo in the past, Google educational tools are more universal and relevant to my students.      

Image source: http://edtechdigest.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/21st_century_classroom.jpeg


  1. I too wanted to bring Google docs into my classroom; however, after speaking with the media teacher at my school I learned that the kids are all given a gmail account in first grade, but aren't told about it/given a chance to use it because the administration wants it to be used in middle school/high school only. I was disappointed because I feel my fourth graders are ready for google docs and could benefit from it. What types of document have you sent out to your students so far? Do you feel they navigate google docs with ease?

  2. I agree, I think fourth grade would be a great time to start! Imagine if they had these skills before they reached middle school? To be honest, I bet most of them would get the concept faster than most adults! To answer your question though: In my class I have used the Google docs to fill out K-W-L charts and at first it was a challenge to get the kids to work it correctly. Some caught on instantly, others it took a few days. Those who caught on right away though were able to help me in assisting the other students. The students helping thought it was a privilege to help out, and the students who needed help were more open to receiving assistance from a peer. It took about one week just to have everyone on the same page and able to open/edit documents.
